Leave a review on Board Game Geek

We are a small indie game company and every review has a huge impact. We thank you for your support!

Note: To leave a review, you'll need to create an account on Board Game Geek (if you don't already have one!)

Leaving a review on a mobile device:

1) Go to the Destroy These Cards page on Board Game Geek

2) Tap the Rate Game button (Note: if you are not already logged into Board Game Geek, you will be prompted to sign in or sign up.)

3) Assign how many stars you want to give and leave a comment

4) Tap the Save button


To leave a review on a computer:

1) Go to the Destroy These Cards page on Board Game Geek

2) In the My Rating section, click the number of stars you want to give. (Note: if you are not already logged into Board Game Geek, you will be prompted to sign in or sign up.)

3) On the right sidebar, leave a comment and click the Save button